As spring passes over the doorstep we are once again getting a step closer to a great period that provides us with temperatures that beckon our MX-5 Miata out of the garage or wherever it was stored during the winter.
As many owners tend to put their roadster in hibernation mode over the winter, we feel it is our duty to provide them with proper instructions on how to “wake up” their sleeping beauty in a safe manner, after what must have seemed like a very long winter.
One of the most common problems after a long cold slumber is usually the battery since it has not been charging for quite a while and while newer batteries are much more resistant to cold than oldеr models, it would be a piece of good advice to bring jumper cables when you are starting your Miata for the first time in the season.
Checking all the fluids and topping them up is mandatory before even inserting the key in the ignition as we are sure you already know, however, there are a few other things that you should check before you set off on the first ride of the season.
While topping off the fluids, make sure that there are no cracks or swells on the coolant hoses and the radiator, because spilling your antifreeze on the first drive is a very bad way to start the driving season.
Proper tire pressure is a great place to start, however, do not forget that the rainy season is upon us so make sure the windshield wipers are in good shape and replace them if they have been torn or cracked because good visibility is paramount to safety.
While we have your attention on the subject of rain, let us remind you that, unlike other heavier vehicles, these featherweight roadsters are much more prone to aquaplaning so if you get caught out in a spring shower make sure you slow down and stay safe.
This is even more important if you live in an area that gets greater quantities of snowfall because the combination of salt and snow plows` are very successful in creating potholes that might be hiding in the puddles, patiently waiting around the corner to “take a bite” out of your precious tire.
If you follow our simple few spring tips, we are sure that you and your beloved MX-5 Miata will have plenty of safe fun on a weekend or a daily drive, so grab the keys and head over to your fun roadster to begin another season of adventures.
€51.00 – €54.00