TopMiata Discount Points is an automatic Discount offering system which will reward customers with Points based on the spent amount and other actions (including writing reviews)

How do I get started?
– LOGIN or REGISTER for an Account on

How do I earn points?
– For each € 1 you spend, you get: 1 Point.
– For each Product Review (from a verified customer) you write, you get: 50 Points.

What do I get for my earned Points?
– Earned points can be redeemed for Discounts: For each 250 Points you get € 3 Discount on your next purchase.

Is there a limit to the amount of Discount Points I can use in one transaction?
– The are no limits on the amount of points.

Is there a limit on the amount of Discount?
– There are no limits on the amount of discount you get from your earned points.

Is there a limit to some concrete products to gain discount.
– These automatically generated points can be used on any product to gain a discounted price.

When do my Discount Points expire?
– TopMiata Discount Points expire after one years from the day you first earn them. So make sure you spend them before this date arrives.

How can I keep track of my points?
– You can see your available Discount Points in “My Account” section. Click HERE to check your points.

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